Our projects


Residential Prototypes: The Tiny House Project

31. Oct 2021

Our sustainable, covivial and ecological housing and construction models aim to serve as prototypes for sustainable lifestyles.

Thus, we understand future design as transformation design and this starts with myself, in my own life, now!

To this end, we work with project partners in Germany and Portugal to develop residential and community projects that seek to empower people at every stage of life to awaken sustainable and consciousness-raising qualities and abilities. In this way, it can become possible to jointly develop a lifestyle that is sustainable and suitable for grandchildren.

At the heart of this process are questions,
– How do we want to live together?
– In which fields of life do we want to realize transformative impulses?
– What qualities and experiences do we want to pass on?
– What is essential for us?
– What has transformed ourselves and
– What is our original and unique contribution?

– How would I like to become active in my own life field
and what support would I like to have?

Tinyhouse construction prototype I in October 2021 in Vale de Agua (Portugal)