

Impressions from the publication ceremony of the Future Dialogues Handbook

4. May 2023

Together with friends and supporters of the FNNF Foundation, we celebrated the opening of our “Future Now Series of Writings on Consciousness Training” on April 30 with the Future Dialogues manual “Arriving in the Heart of the WE” by Michael Plesse.

This manual has directly emerged from our many years of work with We-Fields (the so-called We-Spaces). It is based on the matured experiences of both the internal communication culture of our interaction, as well as on practical WE-Field experiences of various projects and events.

We are happy that this manual is now in the world. We hope that it will provide inspiration, orientation and a reliable compass for all experienced and committed WE-Field impulse givers who want to initiate and essentially accompany WE-Field processes in their immediate fields of life.