

Overview of the integration work of the FNNF in 2022

17. Apr 2023

Also in the year 2022 the support of me continued in mostly weekly rhythm. Over the years, it has developed so that I mainly support the family Hasan with their 3 children, as well as the friends and relatives of the family in their environment. My fields of activity are thereby above all consultation with questions to the authorities (e.g. foreigner authority, Syrian embassy, city hall, office for order, uvm.), as well as discussions to all everyday life questions, inclusive letters, email contacts, answering SMSen to topics of household, work, school, occupation, politics, city. Here I provide support and guidance so that all tasks that arise for the family can run as smoothly as possible. A large part of my work is also educational work. How things work here, e.g. with communication, behavior, rules and duties.

This year, Mr. Hasan got a 1st full-time job at the company Ludollph in Borken. For this, application letters etc. were needed, which I wrote for him. He is now no longer with the Jobcenter. There were difficulties with the middle daughter at school (mobbing). Here very good discussions took place with me and the school management and the teacher. The situation has been resolved in the meantime.
There was a success with the learning lessons, so that the kids could be transferred to the next grade without falling behind. The school grades are good.

There was also a good development with the oldest son, 13 years old. He is now firmly integrated in a soccer club “FC Domstadt” and has found his great passion and friends in it. A camp is held once a year, which he was able to attend for the first time in 2022. Without the foundation this would not have been possible. The middle daughter, 12 years, is in the club “Närrische 11” with the dance guard. She has gained a lot of self-confidence through dancing. Together with her father, I drive her to all the events. The youngest daughter is 11 years old. Since she doesn’t remember anything about Syria, she seems to have a much easier time integrating. She is very communicative and cheerful. My support for her is more emotional. We ride our bikes or go for walks and talk. Mrs. Omar, the children’s mother, is a housewife and is still very attached to her old home and her culture. At the same time, she is very happy for the children and their development opportunities. I cook with her and learn about Syrian dishes. I also learn about Syrian hospitality while eating together. Here the topics move into the background and we find ourselves in the common human food enjoyment and laugh to it.

Finally, there is a very nice story on the subject of integration: At a carnival carnival evening, the guards, including the middle daughter stood on stage after the successful performance. The 1st chairman thanked everyone and said that he was especially happy about her being there. She was beaming all over her face. A teacher who knows me looked at me and said with tears in her eyes: This is called integration.

So the work is worth it! The successes speak for themselves when a family is taken by the hand and friends and families in the surrounding area are given help and advice. The Foundation makes an enormous contribution here. Thanks to all of you!

My name is Monika Paulig, I was born in 1963, am married and work as an alternative practitioner in my own practice in Fritzlar. Today I would like to give you an insight into my field of activity as Integration Officer for Migration for the FNNF Foundation.